About Us
Tich Scott and Family
A little bit about myself, youngest of three boys, born at Drewsteington in 1957 and moved to the farm where we are now at Fairhaven in 1958.
Going to school at South Zeal and Okehampton, I left at the age of 16 and worked on the family farm. Working with my father, who was a larger than life character, we traded all over the county at markets, cattle and sheep fairs, auctions etc, buying and selling livestock and other agricultural items. From a very early age I was doing a bit of stand up comedy, folk singing, story telling and an amatuer auctioneer selling goods in pubs and village halls for charity. In 1991 I started an agricultural fencing company, employing 3-5 men taking us all around the county fencing farms, gardens, horses and industrial, at one point our team consisted of myself, my wife Debbie, brother in law Mathew, son in law Johnathon and cousins Paul and Phil.
Debbie and myself met as teenagers and married in our early twenties, we have two children Sarah and Sam and three grandsons Alexander, Nathaniel and Archie. We continue to help with local charities, still run the farm and doing a bit of fencing. We are active members of Chagford show and have been for over thirty years.
Tich is also an award winning dialect speaker, also appearing on The One Show and is a regular on local TV and radio Devon for dialect speaking.
Our family heritage in Devon dates back to the 16th Century so we have a great deal of experience in this part of the world.